Why Choose Benchmark Education Company

Preeminence in Spanish Language Arts & Bilingual Education

We are the largest educational publisher of Spanish student texts in the world. Our Spanish materials span core and supplemental Spanish Language Arts programs, which include hundreds of authentically written Spanish Language texts in both print and digital formats.

Our instructional approach to Spanish prioritizes:

  1. Standards-Based, Engaging Content: Our high-quality materials integrate Spanish Language Development, Spanish Language Arts, and knowledge building to ensure grade-level expectations are met.
  2. An Asset-Based Approach to Learning: We value the backgrounds, experiences, knowledge and language of each student in maximizing their learning potential.
  3. Foundational Skills Instruction: We understand the dynamics of foundational skills when it comes to Spanish literacy and apply research-based instructional strategies, informed by the Science of Reading, that adhere to the specific linguistic features of the Spanish language.
  4. Commitment to Equity: We provide equitable access to high-quality instructional materials across print and digital resources to accommodate diverse learning needs.

Benchmark Education has taken the lead on the development of quality, standards-based, authentically written Spanish Language Arts materials. They have delivered in a very big way!

--Rosa Molina, Executive Director
Association of Two-Way and Dual Language Education (ATDLE)

Benchmark Education is the
best choice for Spanish literacy.

Year-Over-Year Growth in Proficiency on State Tests with Monolingual and Dual Language Instruction

Non-Benchmark Districts
Benchmark Advance Only
Both Benchmark Advance & Adelante

Growth in Percent of
Students Reaching Proficiency