More than half the teachers in the United States devote a substantial amount of time to crafting curriculum for their students, according to a 2020 report.
They do this either by combing through online search engines for appropriate, standards-aligned content or by creating their own instructional materials. Furthermore, nearly one in three teachers say they are encouraged by their principals to create their own lesson plans from scratch. As a result, these teachers have far less time to focus on what matters most: teaching and addressing the needs of their students.
Research has made clear that high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) ease the burden on teachers and have a significant impact on student learning. HQIM also have a major influence on how teachers actually teach—providing them with content they can trust for effectiveness and freeing time that can be invested back into their students.
The end result of using HQIM? Elevated outcomes for students and teachers alike.
Correlation between quality materials and impact in student learning
Matthew M. Chingos and Grover J. "Russ" Whitehurst, Choosing Blindly: Instructional Materials, Teacher Effectiveness, and the Common Core (Washington, D.C.: Brown Center on Education Policy at the Brookings Institution, April 2012 )
According to various studies:
(Steiner, David M., Berner, Ashley, Reilly, Joseph, Ross, Steven M., Morrison, Gary R., Lake, Cynthia, Reid, Alan J., and Bjorklund-Young, Alanna. 2017. “StandardsWork: A Narrative Research Review.” Center for Research and Reform in Education; Institute for Education Policy. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University.)
(Card, David, and Giuliano, Laura. 2016. “Can Tracking Raise the Test Scores of High-Ability Minority Students?” NBER Working Paper Series. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.)
(Zwiers, Jeff. “Building Academic Language: Essential Practices for Content Classrooms, Grades 5-12.” San Francisco; Newark, Del.: Jossey-Bass ; International Reading Association, 2008.; Walqui, Aída, and Heritage, Margaret. 2012. “Instruction for Diverse Groups of English Language Learners.” Stanford, CA.)
Instructional materials are considered HQIM if they adhere to the following:
Explore the HQIM available through our robust, effective, and culturally relevant programs. Start here:
Print + Digital • Grades K-6
Authentic literary and culturally inclusive informational texts tell community stories, histories, and experiences, developing critical thinking skills and expanding understanding while honoring the cultures and humanity of students and families, showcasing and celebrating the diversity of our society, and supporting K-6 students’ sense of belonging—of seeing themselves and others.
Learn MorePrint + Digital • English & Spanish • Grades K-6
Knowledge-based K-6 literacy solutions nurture growth and success in all students. Aligned with Science of Reading research, Benchmark Advance and Adelante are core language arts programs that provide a cohesive structure for the development of literacy skills and content knowledge.
Learn MorePrint + Digital • English & Spanish • Grades K-5
Each English and Spanish BookRoom contains 500 culturally relevant texts created by a team of dozens of acclaimed multicultural authors and illustrators and including literature, social studies, and science & technology titles. Diverse characters and real-world topics are high interest for students, enriching instruction and building content knowledge.
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Small-Group fiction and nonfiction—authentic literature, social studies texts covering key content strands, and science and technology texts that support NGSS standards—build content knowledge through a lens of cultural relevance, fostering multiple perspectives and enriching instruction.
Learn MoreGrades K-6
Knowledge-based K-6 literacy solutions nurture growth and success in all students. Aligned with Science of Reading research, Benchmark Advance and Adelante are core language arts programs that provide a cohesive structure for the development of literacy skills and content knowledge.
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