Side by Side Instructional Coaching: 10 Asset-Based Habits That Spark Collaboration, Risk-Taking, and Growth Professional Development Book

The best coaches know teachers are partners--not practitioners to "improve". They also know directives may get you short-term results, but genuine relationships and an incisive plan are what make people go the distance. In Side by Side Instructional Coaching, Julie Wright details 10 habits that bring out the collaborative leader in you and bring out the unique strengths in the teachers you serve. Using clear examples and tons of tools, Julie demonstrates how to plan for success in those first weeks and across the year. This powerful guide will help you to:

  • Develop relationships with teachers, students, and staff
  • Help teachers identify their strengths, fears, and areas for growth
  • Plan schedules and systems that allow you to support an entire school
  • Build on each teacher's style and talent for educating students
  • Find the right balance of observing, modeling, and co-teaching
  • Reflect on your practice throughout the coaching process

If you are new to coaching, or a seasoned coach who wants a restart, this book is for you. By the time you reach the last word, you will feel confident in taking on the tremendous task of shaping a school community focused on helping all children meet their highest potential.

SKU WW-Y49678
Language English
ISBN 9781078683814
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Side by Side Instructional Coaching: 10 Asset-Based Habits That Spark Collaboration, Risk-Taking, and Growth Professional Development Book

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Side by Side Instructional Coaching: 10 Asset-Based Habits That Spark Collaboration, Risk-Taking, and Growth Professional Development Book

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Full Description

The best coaches know teachers are partners--not practitioners to "improve". They also know directives may get you short-term results, but genuine relationships and an incisive plan are what make people go the distance. In Side by Side Instructional Coaching, Julie Wright details 10 habits that bring out the collaborative leader in you and bring out the unique strengths in the teachers you serve. Using clear examples and tons of tools, Julie demonstrates how to plan for success in those first weeks and across the year. This powerful guide will help you to:

  • Develop relationships with teachers, students, and staff
  • Help teachers identify their strengths, fears, and areas for growth
  • Plan schedules and systems that allow you to support an entire school
  • Build on each teacher's style and talent for educating students
  • Find the right balance of observing, modeling, and co-teaching
  • Reflect on your practice throughout the coaching process

If you are new to coaching, or a seasoned coach who wants a restart, this book is for you. By the time you reach the last word, you will feel confident in taking on the tremendous task of shaping a school community focused on helping all children meet their highest potential.

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