"We-Do" Writing: Maximizing Practice to Develop Independent Writers Professional Development Book

Your writing lesson was well-modeled, clear, and engaging, but your students were still at a loss when it came time to write independently. Why? There’s a good chance your kids needed more time in the “We-Do” phase of the gradual release model. In this book, Leah shows you how to maximize practice and coaching to better prepare students to write meaningfully on their own. Through the use of uncomplicated structures and systems, she walks you through choosing the right level of support for various teacher goals and student needs. You will get guidance on how to:

  • Identify the components of effective writing
  • Use specific writing techniques or “sessions” in your daily planning
  • Differentiate strategies by grade level and student development
  • Improve classroom collaboration
  • Build flexibility when responding to students in the moment Some great writers are born, but many more are made. Allow We-Do Writing to help you nurture young writers by providing them with the skills and confidence to soar.
SKU WW-Y48359
Language English
ISBN 9781078662673
SKU WW-Y48359
Series PD Essentials,
Language English
ISBN 9781078662673
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"We-Do" Writing: Maximizing Practice to Develop Independent Writers Professional Development Book

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"We-Do" Writing: Maximizing Practice to Develop Independent Writers Professional Development Book

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Full Description

Your writing lesson was well-modeled, clear, and engaging, but your students were still at a loss when it came time to write independently. Why? There’s a good chance your kids needed more time in the “We-Do” phase of the gradual release model. In this book, Leah shows you how to maximize practice and coaching to better prepare students to write meaningfully on their own. Through the use of uncomplicated structures and systems, she walks you through choosing the right level of support for various teacher goals and student needs. You will get guidance on how to:

  • Identify the components of effective writing
  • Use specific writing techniques or “sessions” in your daily planning
  • Differentiate strategies by grade level and student development
  • Improve classroom collaboration
  • Build flexibility when responding to students in the moment Some great writers are born, but many more are made. Allow We-Do Writing to help you nurture young writers by providing them with the skills and confidence to soar.

About The Author

Leah Mermelstein

Leah Mermelstein is a well-known expert and author on the teaching of writing, reading, and language development. She is a sought-after keynote speaker at national conferences, admired for her close study of students' writing and reading development. As a literacy consultant, she works closely with school districts, teachers, and students, helping develop and deliver quality and cohesive literacy instruction. She holds a Master's degree in Cultural Diversity and Curriculum Reform, and she aspires to ground all of her work in creating equitable access to children and families. She lives in New Jersey with her young daughter.

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