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PD Essentials Collections
Literacy Collections
Strategies, best practices, and guidance from renowned experts, designed for educators at all levels, that empower students to read and write successfully.
PD Essentials Literacy Collections offer detailed skills and strategies in a series of thematic sets of books and Study Guides, promoting collaboration, reflection, discussion, and application of learning.
Comprehensive Literacy Collection
Strategies, best practices, and guidance to literacy instruction from renowned literacy experts, for educators at all levels.
Foundational Skills Literacy Collection
Expert guidance on teaching developing foundational literacy skills that empower students to read and write successfully
Interactive Writing
Independent Writing
Reading Fluency
Intervention Literacy Collection
Research-based tools assembled by expert authors to help teachers confront the challenges of improving reading outcomes
Small Group
Striving Readers
Reading Fluency
Conquering Dyslexia
Engaging Readers Literacy Collection
Research-based tools teaching approaches that ensure effective reader strategies
Reader's Notebooks
Reading Assessment
Reading Fluency
Diverse Texts
Reading Best Practices
Writing Literacy Collection
A wealth of background research and classroom experiences from expert authors that helps enhance, improve, or reform writing instruction
Interactive Writing
Independent Writing
Informational Writing
Multilingual Literacy Collection
Essential information about literacy instruction, language development, and teaching strategies, to elevate educator and student performance
Reading Assessment
Small Group
Student Agency
Striving Readers
Tools for Teachers
Teachers Talk Shop Podcasts
Webinar Series
Funding Resources
Science-Based, Classroom-Tested Solutions
Expert Authors
Meet our PD Essentials Authors
Allison Briceño, Ed.D.
Erik Lepis
Jennifer Hayhurst
Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D.