Reading Instructional Goals for Older Readers

Digital + Print • English & Spanish • Grades 4-12

Intervention for English Learners and At-Risk Students * Meets ESSA “PROMISING” Evidence Criteria *

Build early literacy skills with engaging, proven-effective texts and digital resources. 

Developed by Dr. Margarita Calderón, RIGOR provides: 

  • Support for older newcomers and other ELs at preliterate or primary reading levels
  • Content that meets RTI guidelines for Tier II and Tier III intervention 
  • Leveled texts covering science and social studies topics  
  • Weekly, easy-to-use, grab-and-go skill bags with explicit 5-day Teacher’s Guides and Assessment & Practice Books 
  • Flexible scheduling for language arts blocks or extended day
  • Interactive digital learning
Supplement RIGOR with the Differentiated Instruction Book Set

A library of multi-leveled nonfiction titles that support content-area themes in RIGOR 1, 2, and 3 with:

Additional support or challenge for specific students
Nonfiction texts to use with individual or small groups
Explicit Teacher’s Guides for each title
Watch this video to see the full scope of what RIGOR offers.

For Preliterate Through First-Grade Reading Levels 

Phonics Concentration on Consonants and Short Vowels 


Supports a 5-step process: 

  1. Develop phonemic awareness and phonics skills
  2. Build vocabulary through a 7-step instruction and practice sequence. 
  3. Increase reading comprehensionfluency, and content knowledge
  4. Use writing to expand and reinforce literacy. 
  5. Compile assessment data to inform instruction. 

Hands-on tools include picture card sheetsfrieze cards, and letter card sheets. 


Also available in Spanish

ESL Level 1

ESL Level 2

For Second- Through Third-Grade Reading Levels 

Phonics Concentration on BlendsLong VowelsDigraphs,
and Syllables 


Supports a 5-step process: 

  1. Develop phonemic awareness and phonics skills
  2. Build vocabulary through a 7-step instruction and practice sequence. 
  3. Increase reading comprehensionfluency, and content knowledge
  4. Use writing to expand and reinforce literacy. 
  5. Compile assessment data to inform instruction. 

Hands-on tools include picture card sheetsfrieze cards, and letter card sheets. 


Also available in Spanish 

ESL Level 3

ESL Level 4

For Older English Learners and At-Risk Students Needing Intensive Foundational 
Literacy and Language Development Support  


Accelerates progress through the intermediate reading levels 

Covers reading levels M-R across the units  

Comprises all three tiers of vocabulary and word study skills 

Builds process-writing skills and academic oral language 

Hands-on tools that include picture card sheetsfrieze cards,
and letter card sheets 

Online subscriptions that include interactive eBooks and digital Teacher’s Guides and Cards 

Proven Success for Older Students Reading at Primary Levels 

In a research study presented at the TESOL conference, Grades 6-10 newcomers progressed an average of 6.2 reading levels after using RIGOR for less than one school year in their classes.

RIGOR was developed by Margarita Calderón, Ph.D., based on her studies of English-language acquisition and her work with middle and high school teachers of English learners in New York City’s public schools. Dr. Calderón is Professor Emerita at Johns Hopkins University School of Education and is the author of Teaching Reading to English Language Learners, Grades 6-12. 

Fully interactive and customizable eBooks engage students for digital or in-person instruction. 


Digital texts provide opportunities for all students to experience deep, meaningful reading experiences.

  • Annotation tools empower students to highlight and underline text, add virtual sticky notes, and write in margins, increasing comprehension and building the reading/writing connection.​
  • eBooks feature audio narration accompanied by word-by-word highlighted text, to assist striving readers. ​
  • Customizable pages enable teachers to embed videos, create graphic organizers, and track student progress.


Download to learn more about RIGOR.

Virtual Samples

Experience RIGOR with virtual samples of
student texts and teacher support materials.

Product Tour Webinar

Learn more about RIGOR with expert-led
walkthroughh of the program.

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