Reader's Workshop

Reader's Workshop

Digital + Print • Grades K-5

Cultivate a Community of Readers! 

Reader's Workshop resources are organized around 10 topics that simultaneously build knowledge, vocabulary, and literacy skills. 

  • Promote proficiency and transfer through structured lessons.

  • Differentiate instruction in small groups while monitoring and developing reading behaviors.

  • Identify strengths and fill gaps through ongoing assessment and responsive teaching tools.

  • Promote biliteracy in dual language instruction with equitable Spanish resources.

  • Mix and match modules to meet your instructional needs. Learn More!

    Click here to view our Spanish language series, Taller del lector.

Efficient instruction with mentor text sets focuses on specific learning goals and provides students with access to complex text daily.

  • In Grades K-1, complex text is encountered through big books and lap books.
  • In Grades 2-5, students receive a consumable mentor text for each unit topic, which is theirs to take home at the end of each 3-week unit.
  • Teachers are fully prepared with a comprehensive text complexity analysis that highlights the most challenging aspects of each text.

Diverse texts reinforce whole-group topics, skills, and strategies. 

Responsive teaching tools facilitate productive student-centered conferences. 

Student- and teacher-selected titles, incuding trade books, engage each learner.

Pinpoint readers' strengths and address learning gaps with digital, downloadable, and observational assessments that help inform instructional decisions. 

Program Overview

Download to learn more about Reader's Workshop.

Virtual Sampler

Experience Reader's Workshop with sampler pages of
student texts and support materials.

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