Advance ALL

Advance ALL

Accelerating Literacy & Language

Digital + Print • Grades 2-6 

Help striving readers and English Learners recognize text structures, monitor their understanding, and problem-solve as they progress to grade-level text and content.

  • Support students’ use of reading strategies​
  • Build academic and domain-specific vocabulary​
  • Build understanding of grade-appropriate literary, science, and social studies content-area concepts​
  • Build students’ academic oral language and writing skills​

These texts can be used for small-group differentiated instruction, independent reading practice, and/or targeted intervention.

Advance ALL currently consists of 85 student books divided into 5 topic sets per grade; the complete series will include 170 student books divided into 10 topic sets. ​

  • Teacher's Guide provides explicit guided reading and English language development support. ​
  • Text Evidence Question Card support striving readers and English Learners in using the text to justify their responses. ​
  • Online Subscriptions include Interactive E-Books, Digital Teacher's Guides and Cards, and, where listed for Grades K-2, Downloadable Take-Home Books.

Sample Title:
The Camel of the Desert

Read to Advance pages stretch readers to a higher-level text.

Sample Title:
James Madison, Father of the Constitution

Teacher's Guide provides two types of support for each text section.
Text Evidence Question Card prompts students to practice their responses.

The Advance ALL focuses on content knowledge. At each grade level, the books in each knowledge strand increase in reading level and complexity. They promote critical thinking of the grade-level topic from different perspectives and genres, while building students’ literacy and English language skills and expanding their academic knowledge and vocabulary. Lessons teach and reinforce grade-level reading standards. ​

Students learn to determine the meaning of words and sentences while reading about key subjects: 

  • Character
  • Point of View
  • Theme
  • Life Science
  • Technology and Society
  • Earth Science
  • Physical Science
Social Studies
  • Government and Citizenship
  • History and Culture
  • Economics

Grades 2-4
Three-book sets support initial reading progress.

Sample Grade 3 Topic Set:

Animal Adaptations

Grades 5-6
Four-book sets close the literacy and language gap.

Sample Grade 5 Topic Set:

The U.S. Constitution: Then and Now


Knowledge Stands Link Grade-Level Topic Sets

Structured support for multilingual learners reading at an Emergent to Early/Fluent level.

  • Reading Objectives reinforce reading skills and include grade-level content objectives.​
  • Language Objectives support the Reading Objectives.​
  • Content Vocabulary is supported through Spanish cognates and Picture Word Cards.​
  • Specific strategies make the topic, vocabulary, and reading skills more accessible to English Learners.
  • ​Sentence frames support oral and written communication.

Fully interactive and customizable eBooks engage students for digital or in-person instruction.

Digital texts provide opportunities for all students to experience deep, meaningful reading experiences.

  • Annotation tools empower students to highlight and underline text, add virtual sticky notes, and write in the margins, increasing comprehension and building the reading/writing connection.
  • eBooks feature audio narration accompanied by word-by-word highlighted text to assist striving readers. 
  • Customizable pages enable teachers to embed videos, create graphic organizers, and track student progress.

Select titles are included in the Benchmark Hello! for Newcomers program.

Download to learn more about Advance ALL.


Virtual Samples

Experience Advance ALL with virtual samples of student texts and teacher support materials.

Product Tour Webinar
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