Writer's Workshop

Writer's Workshop

Digital + Print • Grades K-5

Facilitate Each Stage of the Writer's Growth! 

Writer's Workshop resources are organized around genre-focused units and include interactive write-in student mentor texts.

  • Guide students from modeling, brainstorming, and daily independent writing to transfer in each topic-based unit.
  • Support students through lessons with strategy demonstrations, ample writing time, and constructive feedback.
  • Provide multiple mentor texts on the same unit topic and genre.
  • Promote biliteracy in dual language instruction with equitable Spanish resources. 

Mix and match modules to meet your instructional needs.
Learn more!

Click here to view our Spanish language series, Taller del escritor.

Focused instruction begins with immersion using mentor texts and moves to strategy-based lessons designed to reach unit goals.

Ample time is devoted to independent writing with specific strategy-based support for providing constructive feedback.

Assessment That Informs Teaching Decisions

  • Look-Fors in daily mini-lessons
  • Explicit differentiated instruction
  • Rubrics supporting writing goals and qualities of good writing
  • Self-assessments where students hold themselves accountable as writers

Each day's writing block concludes with sharing and reflection, where learning "sticks."

In addition to grammar application during Writer's Workshop, the complete Grammar Micro-Workshop is also included with Writer's Workshop! 

Program Overview

Download to learn more about Writer's Workshop.

Virtual Samples

Experience Writer's Workshop with virtual samples
of student texts and support materials.

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