Priority Standards. Assessment. Unfinished Learning.
Your All-in-One Solution Is Right Here.
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Standards Close-Up leveled topic sets target individual ELA standards and build science and social studies knowledge. With high-quality content and great flexibility, this essential, comprehensive supplemental solution fosters teacher and student success during these challenging times.
Each two-book topic set breaks down one standard into manageable skills and strategies, deepening standards mastery across grade levels.
Multiple texts per set provide opportunities to model skills and strategies for scaffolded learning.
Standards-based text evidence questions and writing assignments facilitate comprehension.
Flexible design allows for concentrated focus on unfinished learning—ideal for summer school and intervention.
EL support every step of the way helps all English Learners master standards and guides them through collaborative performance tasks.
Standards Close-Up
Priority Standards. Assessment. Unfinished Learning. Your All-in-One Solution Is Right Here.
Digital + Print
Standards Close-Up leveled topic sets target individual ELA standards and build science and social studies knowledge. With high-quality content and great flexibility, this essential, comprehensive supplemental solution fosters teacher and student success during these challenging times.
Each two-book topic set breaks down one standard into manageable skills and strategies, deepening standards mastery across grade levels.
Multiple texts per set provide opportunities to model skills and strategies for scaffolded learning.
Standards-based text evidence questions and writing assignments facilitate comprehension.
Flexible design allows for concentrated focus on unfinished learning—ideal for summer school and intervention.
EL support every step of the way helps all English Learners master standards and guides them through collaborative performance tasks.
Watch this video to see the full scope of what Standards Close-Up offers.
Ideal for addressing unfinished learning during the school year or in summer school, each two-book topic set addresses a single standard, allowing districts to choose what standards to prioritize (particularly 1, 2, 4, and 9).
Mini-lessons model each standard with guided direct instruction in both student and teacher materials.
Evidence-based questions address the target standard and send readers back into the text for answers.
Rich, on-grade-level texts are supported by lesson plans for scaffolded learning.
Assessments and Reteaching books help identify proficiency with pre- and post-assessments and monitor comprehension and progress with book-specific assessments. The assessment data inform instruction, which is supported by reteaching mini-lessons.
Text Evidence Questions are DOK leveled, keeping rigor high by ensuring teachers are asking high-level questions.
Question types mirror those in state assessments, like two-part questions and multiple correct responses, preparing students for high-stakes examinations.
Texts and teacher support materials are organized through an easy-to-use filtering system, allowing users to find standard-specific resources instantly.
Lesson plans promote flexibility by enabling teachers to choose between two instructional pathways, Guided Reading and Strategy Groups, or go back and forth between the two.
Interactive features, including videos, audio support, annotation, and embedded hyperlinks, expand instructional opportunities and foster customized learning experiences.
Digital-only resources include home-school connections that enable parents to know and reinforce what their children are learning, and additional revised writing models help strengthen student performance.
Explicit writing instruction provides teachers with the tools they need to support students on their path to writing proficiency.
Writing assignments prompt opinion, narrative, or informative responses that facilitate comprehension and reinforce good writing habits.
Writing Exemplars with Rubrics books include reproducible rubrics and graphic organizers to help students plan their writing, as well as a reproducible exemplar for modeling revision strategies.
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